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Scott Corvino

Scott Corvino

Just wanted to drop you a quick email about our stay this past week at your lodge at lake baccarac. This was my first visit, and I attended with the Johnson group, many of them have been visiting since the early 2000’s. Owning a few businesses myself, I can understand about how difficult it can be to offer customers a world class experience, not always easy to do, but your team/staff at the lodge are fantastic. From the scheduling, planning, timeliness of everything from van pick ups, fishing times, wake up calls to meals, it was great, and you definitely have another repeat customer in the future. Narlin and Chad were great, as was all the guides, drivers, and servers. Thank you for putting the right pieces in place and having such great people running your lodge to provide such a great experience for all 8 of us, it really was one that will be remembered for a lifetime.
Lake Baccaraclodge – Fish Mexico's Famous Lake Baccarac for Trophy Largemouth Bass
Just wanted to drop you a quick email about our stay this past week at your lodge at lake baccarac. This was my first visit, and I attended with the Johnson group, many of them have been visiting since the early 2000’s. Owning a few businesses myself, I can understand about how difficult it can be to offer customers a world class experience, not always easy to do, but your team/staff at the lodge are fantastic. From the scheduling, planning, timeliness of everything from van pick ups, fishing times, wake up calls to meals, it was great, and you definitely have another repeat customer in the future. Narlin and Chad were great, as was all the guides, drivers, and servers. Thank you for putting the right pieces in place and having such great people running your lodge to provide such a great experience for all 8 of us, it really was one that will be remembered for a lifetime.