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Gene Ditmore

Gene Ditmore

Terry My group of 6-fishermen just returned from Lake Baccarac Lodge Feb. 12th 2006. We have been fishing Mexico for over 15-years and just completed the best trip ever, anywhere. The group’s largest fish was a 12.4oz. lunker taken on top water. Each boat averaged better than 50-fish per day in the 3 to 7lb. class. Food, guides & accommodations were A-#1 beyond comparison. Thanx for a great trip…………. Gene Ditmore Abilene TX.
Lake Baccaraclodge – Fish Mexico's Famous Lake Baccarac for Trophy Largemouth Bass
Terry My group of 6-fishermen just returned from Lake Baccarac Lodge Feb. 12th 2006. We have been fishing Mexico for over 15-years and just completed the best trip ever, anywhere. The group’s largest fish was a 12.4oz. lunker taken on top water. Each boat averaged better than 50-fish per day in the 3 to 7lb. class. Food, guides & accommodations were A-#1 beyond comparison. Thanx for a great trip…………. Gene Ditmore Abilene TX.