Ed La Rose
Ciao Cheryl,
I had a great trip in May of 2010
Please let everyone know there was absolutely no problems getting into or out of Los Mochis or from Los Mochis to the Lodge. The news about the violence is primarily near the border areas. I saw or heard nothing of the sort in Los Mochis or in the vicinity of the Lodge. It’s unfortunate the news is taken at face value. I if people would just do a little research they would discover Mexico is pretty safe in the tourist areas located away from the border particularly the area around the Lodge.
The staff was outstanding as usual. Since I have a cooking/hotel background and we had the time, I enjoyed spending a little time in the kitchen learning some of the dishes. The food was even more outstanding than the two previous years. I have worked with a few chefs throughout the years but I can’t recall any as motivated and proud as the chef at the lodge. He is a true gem!
Fishing was awesome! Again! We didn’t catch a lot of 10lb+ fish but the numbers of 4-8 lbs were staggering for me. I averaged 80 per day so for the week. I pulled in nearly 500 fish. The strength of the Baccarac Bass always amazes me. Even the 3-4 lbrs are mean and pull so hard I think my rod will break. In fact I did have a rod break during a hook-set on a monster of a fish, again this year. The same happened to me last year and I use Xtra-heavy, quality rods.
Thank you
Ed La Rose
Lake Baccaraclodge – Fish Mexico's Famous Lake Baccarac for Trophy Largemouth Bass